And now for something completely different: :)
Choir Directors, Your audiences and TB/TTBB choirs will love this, and you can listen to the audience laugh at the punchlines in the video below. Enjoy!
[See below to order -- and for director and student comments]
Please Note: There is a 10-copy minimum order on choral works.
And for a limited time, I'll make a special dedication line for your "Real Men" on all orders,
If you are tax-exempt, please email me to avoid tax on any octavo purchases. Thanks.
What Choir Directors are Saying:
"My High School men thoroughly enjoyed learning and performing Real Men Sing. We performed it early in the school year, and because of its light-heartedness and accessibility, a camaraderie developed that lasted all year. They loved the laughter and the applause of the audience. It was a piece that allowed the men to let their guard down a bit, to lighten up, and to feel more comfortable with singing. The men (AND the ladies) of the choir have been begging me ever since to sing it again… and I’m sure we will." - c.l.
“Our school performed it with all the JH and HS young men. My men loved singing this piece! Very accessible, great melody, and tons of buy-in! This piece is a fun way to promote male voices, their confidence, and their rightful place in all choirs – while teaching harmony and rich tone. They’re already asking to sing it again. And audiences love it!” – H.S.
What "Real Men" are Saying:
Real Men Sing is just a great song. Helps men come together and have fun. – J.C.
I used to be a boy, but after performing Real Men Sing I became a man! :) 10/10 Would sing again! – J.H.
. . . this is a chick magnet of a song. – I.S.
When I first sang this song I didn't know anyone, but when I sang this song with the men’s choir, we bonded like brothers. – J.H.
The song is fun, and goofy. – L.B.
This song always makes me smile. – C.A.
This song makes girls laugh. – C.B.
Fun to sing and my favorite song – A.Q.
. . . We just had fun. - D.J.
It really makes the men stars in the choral program. It’s very joyful and amusing. – A.G.
" . . . my best choir experience. - M.S.
A very fun and enjoyable song. Very creative and accurate! – V.G.
A really fun and energetic song that makes you want to dance. - C.T.