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"Let Us Seek Him . . . "

This one's a little longer than usual -- but seemed appropriate for a new year . . .

"If you have lost your hunger for God, if you do not have a cry for more of God, you are missing the plan. A cry must come up from us that cannot be satisfied with anything but God. He wants to give us the vision of the prize ahead that is something higher than we have ever attained. If you ever stop at any point, pick up at the place where you have left off, and begin again. God will meet you. And while He will bring you to a consciousness of your own frailty and to a brokenness of spirit, your faith will lay hold of Him and all the divine resources. His light and compassion will be manifested through you, and He will send the rain.

"Should we not dedicate ourselves afresh to God? Let us seek Him…" - Smith Wigglesworth

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